Back again! Didn't mean to be so long away - that's what happens when I start experimenting with constructing patterns! I have a desk full of started projects, all with potential that I haven't got round to finishing. So yesterday and today, I have tried to get some of these UFO's finished and online for you to see.
I started working on bag shapes in crochet, playing with shaping, borders and handles - I think this looks too much like a flowerpot, personally, so losing the fur would be a good start and possibly introduce a fastening. A nice funky or chunky button would be nice, I think! It's crocheted on size 4mm and seems a little flimsy to me.
Some close-up details...

I also started on some knitting! Yes, the crochet has been eclipsed - only for the moment - by the five pointy needles of the fingerless glove! When my partner started suffering from the dreaded computer 'cold-hand-on the-mouse-for-hours' syndrome, I decided some manly fingerless gloves were needed! It's a long time since I knitted some of these and it reminded me just how much I prefer circular needles!! I have knitted one so far on the double ended needles but I think I will try two circulars instead for the second one.
Pics so far...

Thank you John for modelling! I promise I'll get to the other one quickly..... Where are those circular needles?!
Blowing away the cobwebs and dust.....