Isn't it lovely when you get a surprise parcel in the post? It can change your whole outlook for the day and if you were remotely down, gives you a nice lift - a comfortable loved feel to know someone is thinking of you.
These lovely pressies arrived yesterday from my sister, all thoughtfully considered for what they would mean for me. My gran used to have red hot pokers in her garden and now, so can I. It's funny how you realise that your family or siblings are the only ones who truly 'get' who you are and know what old music, films, sweets, colours are intrinsically you. Today, I fully value just what I do have and how lucky I am to have someone caring and supportive looking out for me.
So now I have all these lovely bulbs and seeds to plant - but where?

Now the weather is moving onwards through Spring, I felt it was time to tackle the garden. When we moved last October, there seemed so many other very important things to do, that had to be done before the garden. So, no trimming, weeding or cutting back ever got done. Now everything is sprouting with a vengance and it all seems a bit chaotic. So the last few weeks of my Easter holiday has been trying to develop order from the chaos.
The main efforts we have been slogging over are building walls and steps, trying to keep the cottage garden feel without killing any plants. These green fingers aren't tried and tested yet!

The circle we have inherited and it is well and truly cemented down. I'm not sure about it but I can live with it for a while. I think softening the edges might help or a large round table for summer. (Now I've seen the price of these tables, I'm thinking a few flowers around the edge!) The huge effort has been turning over the earth - stones, boulders, cement.... Can't we just get onto the planting?
I have planted my first seeds but nothing to show there yet - I can show you what is already flowering in the garden....

This has just come into bloom - isn't it lovely? With the surprise snow and frost over the last few days, it has been incredibly hardy considering. Just as well my little seedings have been well protected. When they sprout, then we can have some progress. This is the first time I have had my own garden to plan and organise and I am finding a lovely sense of calmness and peace in doing so. I can understand why so many people love this - it could be addictive!
I also didn't think I would be so protective of my seeds! I am impatient for even a tiny flash of green shoot! But its only two or three days for the earliest ones - still a ways to go.

Some more flowers in the wall at the front getting some afternoon sunshine....

The front wall with lots of space for little surprises. Once my trailing lobelia have sprouted I can get more colour and detail over the edges.