Friday, 24 September 2010

tutorials page

You may notice there is a new tutorials page appeared today! I decided to gather all the posts I've done so far that in some way consitute a tutorial or a how-to guide and put them together so we can find them quickly. Trawling through three years of posts can take some doing:)) and its much nicer to be able to put your hands on those pages you need rather than using the search button or going methodically through the achives.

It's still 'in progress' so I will be modifying and updating as I go so any feedback would be welcome! Now, I'm trying to work out how to make and upload free PDF files - anyone got a quick and easy solution to suggest?!

Back soon with a finished knitting project - yes, I know! Actually finished! :))) It's waited about a year and a bit so it's about time! A quick peek for you.....

Now, I wonder what that could be??? It looks wickedly fuchsia like to me :)


  1. I have been trying to make pages too and am completely confused about how to do it.....any tips??? You are my hero having figured out how to do it....even had the husband come and try to help...but he just made it worse!!! I am close to tears!!! I'm so frustrated!!!
    Well done you and everything looks great!!!

  2. Hi marilyn, blogger have set up a button now for making new pages for your blog - a lot easier so I can't claim to be a genius:)

    First go into your dashboard and click on the 'design' button. Then click on the 'posting' tab, then click the edit pages tab. A page should come up that has a 'new page' button. Just click that and you can get started! Its just like a blog page and all your widgets remain down the side so nothing extra is needing to be done there.

    There is a very good help page from blogger buzz on this too - you can find it here -

    hope this helps;) elaine x


Hello and thanks for stopping by. Do stay a while and visit. Please do leave a comment - I'd love to hear from you and be inspired by all your blogs out there too:-) elaine xx


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