Hasn't time just flown! I was full of good intentions, ready to tell you all about the Angie Lewin exhibition and didn't manage until now - so here goes!

Angie Lewin produces lovely prints and collage work that has such a retro feel in both colour palette and choice of subject. The stylised flower heads and seed pods are extremely detailed and complex to print - and absolutely stunning to see for real. It did surprise me how small some of the prints were and I must admit the bigger prints did make more of an impression, for me anyway. 'Alliums' is my favourite at the moment - possibly because it is larger and makes a bigger impact in a gallery setting.
All printed designs are limited editions of 40 prints only and the small collage pieces are one off originals.
More pics....
If you are interested in seeing her work and are near Cornwall, you will find her present exhibition at 'Artonomy' at Green Street Truro - link to their site here: http://www.artonomy.co.uk/
This exhibition runs until the 20th October 2007.
There is also a list of current and future exhibitions on Angie Lewin's website, as well as a gallery of all past and present prints to peruse - lovely stuff and worth a visit. Enjoy!