Wednesday 20 July 2011

Musings on a rainy day

It's raining again but it's a softer kind of mizzle - mist/drizzle all wrapped up together. The cars are swishing by through the puddles, sounds outside are quite muted and it has a quiet, soporific feel, inviting you to relax for a bit in a comfy chair with a warm cuppa. I'm wondering if there is a good film on that I could lose myself in whilst comfort knitting. Might have to get out the dvd's and find an oldie....

You know what I really feel like doing today? Spinning. Out of the blue, not planned, and it's not as if I really need to start anything else new with so many things already on my to-do list. But it seems to fit this afternoon perfectly. I'll have to dust off the spinning wheel as it has been quite a while. In fact, there is a roving still being spun on it so that should be rectified immediately :) So I'm going to follow my muse today and just 'be'. I always find spinning quite meditative - keeping the hands busy whilst letting the mind wander off wherever it likes.

So a nice pile of roving to get stuck into. Now, just need to put the kettle on...... what does it matter if it's raining when there is good fibre yumminess to enjoy?  Back soon with some spun yarn maybe? Enjoy your day!


  1. You do so many cool things!

  2. Oh is the complete opposite is close to 100F, humid as hell, if hell is humid!! and the sound is that of sizzling. someone cooked a steak on the dashboard of a car in Oklahoma yesterday...true!!! I am fascinated that you have a spinning wheel...can't wait to see the results...
    hope you enjoyed your quiet time and did what you wanted...I'm off to put the kettle on too...

  3. It's good to follow the muse.

  4. What a lovely pile of fibre. I've been contemplating aunt used to have a wheel and I remember playing with it as a kid. Unfortunately she sold it long ago...


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